
Month: December 2015

Is the bible just a history book or is there more to it than that?

By: | Post date: December 30, 2015 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Culture

Are they all not just history books concluding to have some moral message to help us live our lives? Because if this is true, then life should be put first before religions. And nobody should take a life of a preacher or one dedicated in a path to understand religion. It’s secondary is it not? […]

How often do you have to write formally and with proper grammar at your current job?

By: | Post date: December 28, 2015 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Personal

I’ve switched careers from being a humanities academic to being a business analyst. Currently I’m more a data analyst with a sideline in IT architecture and policy. The clarification is important, because business analysts are more human-facing than data analysts. I switched from natively writing in Dickensian paragraphs, to natively writing in dot points. My […]

Is Hawaii a common honeymoon destination for newly married Australian couples?

By: | Post date: December 22, 2015 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Australia

My wife has been consistently advocating for Hawaii to anyone she knows, and we did in fact get engaged there. But we’re not typical of Australians: we’ve both lived in the States, and we’re not drawn to Indonesia. (Which is why she needs to do advocacy.) That said, Hawaii was full of Australians when we […]

What is it like to live in Irvine, CA?

By: | Post date: December 15, 2015 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Countries

I lived in Irvine from 1999 to 2001, though it doesn’t sound like much has changed since. I was in my late 20s, an urbanite, with no car. It was horrid. Irvine had just gotten Safest City in America status, with zero murders in the past year. After a few months there, I took to […]

  • December 2015
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