
Month: October 2009

New Orleans #5: Mulate’s

By: | Post date: October 28, 2009 | Comments: 2 Comments
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In my last evening spent in New Orleans, I have a choice. I can seek out Cajun music and culture, which brought me here to begin with. Within walking distance of my hotel, that rather constrains me. Cajun Cabin no longer has live music. Michaul’s, post-Katrina, is only open Thursdays through Sundays. The only option […]


By: | Post date: October 28, 2009 | Comments: 1 Comment
Posted in categories: Countries

A curious thing; to yieldone’s purse, and then one’s nerveendings, both now still chillednext day; adrift, unsafe, tentative. Curious, no?that I can still get tipsyon brine and Veuve Clicquot,though little passed my lips. A sea, of salt and swells,of stark and fearsome shores,whose waves have deigned to stall,whose deeps I will not hear. A sea, […]

New Orleans #4: Dinner at Antoine’s

By: | Post date: October 28, 2009 | Comments: 3 Comments
Posted in categories: Countries

Antoine’s is a culinary institution of New Orleans, founded in 1840, introducing the Creoles to the ways of haute cuisine. Diana urged me to go there and have Oysters Rockefeller for her, since she wasn’t able to appreciate Oysters Rockefeller the last time she was there. What seven-year old would appreciate oysters, after all. What […]

New Orleans #3

By: | Post date: October 25, 2009 | Comments: 2 Comments
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It’s a couple of hours later. I continue not to know how to have fun, and given how I’ve already exceeded my nightly budget, I think I’ll turn in early and get the full day tomorrow. [EDIT: Because of having to deal with the ending of this post, I did not end up turning in […]

New Orleans #2

By: | Post date: October 25, 2009 | Comments: No Comments
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*hic* OK, I’ve ducked into a coffeehouse in Royal St, open for another hour after my first iteration of Bourbon St. I am full of red beans & rice, jambalaya, and gumbo, not necessarily in that order. (Come to think of it…  it was in that order.) Sampler size, so I was still able to […]

New Orleans #1

By: | Post date: October 25, 2009 | Comments: 5 Comments
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My first impression of New Orleans: the airport signage is in English, Spanish, and French. A beautiful gesture; not sure whether its audience is the tuthree Quebecois who come over per year, or the Cajuns (pour raisons emblematiques). Second impression of New Orleans: I had the choice of a cab for $33, or the New […]


By: | Post date: October 24, 2009 | Comments: 4 Comments
Posted in categories: Countries

A month back, commenter matternal (Michalis Nikolaou, who noticed that we have the same surname) suggested that if I ever found myself in Houston, I should pay a visit to Niko Niko’s Greek Restaurant, 2520 Montrose, Houston Tx. For that its name was like mine. On the Super Shuttle equivalent out of Seattle heading to […]


By: | Post date: October 24, 2009 | Comments: 3 Comments
Posted in categories: Countries

I don’t have much to say about Seattle, because my allotted time there was spent in profuse geek-out mode with Diana and Pierre, whom I thank profusely for their hospitality and good humour. When I grow up, I’d love to be them: in a house groaning with books, with papers on the boil and an […]

Redwood City #3

By: | Post date: October 22, 2009 | Comments: No Comments
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Urrrgl. Mlurt. Fnorghr. Zhlumpfkh. And this isn’t even me posting immediately after downing a glass of Grand Marnier. Not much to report from the vista: it’s still brobdignanian and empty. What I do have to report is that I finally succumbed and had a burger, a week after I promised myself one. An elite Sofitel […]

Frenchville, PA: a distinct dialect of North American French

By: | Post date: October 22, 2009 | Comments: 2 Comments
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This is not about Quebec or Acadia, but this is where my North American French stuff goes, so: in reading a book on Prince Edward Island French, King, Ruth. 2000. The Lexical Basis of Grammatical Borrowing: A Prince Edward Island French Case Study . Amsterdam: John Benjamins. —I’ve come across a mention of Frenchville, PA, […]

  • October 2009
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