
Month: August 2009

Change of e-mail adress

By: | Post date: August 31, 2009 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Admin

A special kind of blindness made me ignore the impending death of the domain over the past five years. The plug has finally been pulled on it (and I’ve just found out about it); those of you who have been mailing me @, please change immediately to [EDIT: it’s been a stressful […]

Hyphenated Greeks in Movies and Television

By: | Post date: August 31, 2009 | Comments: 1 Comment
Posted in categories: Australia, Greece
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An Anon commenter responds to my latest Will Be Offline notice with: Don’t worry too much, heartless Anglo. :'( By the way, since you’re an avowed Aussie multiculturalist (and because I *actually know*, rather than “eh know”, nothing about Australia), could we have your opinion on the first piece here: NEW AUSTRALIANS Anon, you fail […]

Hyphenated and Less-Hyphenated Greeks

By: | Post date: August 30, 2009 | Comments: 6 Comments
Posted in categories: Greece

John Cowan has asked me to post about Greek-Canadians. This is a challenge, since I know just about nothing about Greek-Canadians. But ignorance is not preventing me from posting about Acadia either, so here goes. Canada was one of the list of destinations for Greeks to seek a better life in—back when Greece was not […]

Offline in Bendigo

By: | Post date: August 28, 2009 | Comments: 2 Comments
Posted in categories: Admin

Folks, some excellent comments to my recent posting deluge, both here and in The Other Place. Won’t be able to get to them immediately though, as I’m taking off for the weekend for some R & R (well… just the Rest best anyway). I’m going to be offline for three days (if I can last […]

Acado-Russian Dolls

By: | Post date: August 27, 2009 | Comments: 3 Comments
Posted in categories: Countries

It’s true, the initial obsession with Franco-Canada is somewhat wearing off; it was remarked at the pub last week that I went a full 20 minutes without mentioning Quebec. Because my downtime has been taken up with adventures in the language of War of Troy and Chalcocondyles (of which more at The Other Place), I […]


By: | Post date: August 27, 2009 | Comments: 15 Comments
Posted in categories: Greece

Anon, commenting on my post mentioning the προσκυνημένοι, “those who have Bowed Down” (converts to Islam), responded: > Φωτιά και τζεκούρι, ε; Yup. And that made me think of Hamidiyah. For those not fortunate enough to be Greek, Anon is referring to what a fighter ordered during the Greek Revolutionary War (was it Kolokotronis?): “Fire […]

Those Who Have Bowed Down

By: | Post date: August 26, 2009 | Comments: 4 Comments
Posted in categories: Australia, Greece
Tags: , ,

This started out as a meditation on Acajack’s take on assimilated Acadians. I will still do that meditation, because it’s a rich vein to tap, but it’s not where this post has ended up, because I’d also been discussing with a friend about community politics among Australian Aborigines, and there was some cross-fertilisation of concepts. […]

Spokesblogger for a Nation

By: | Post date: August 26, 2009 | Comments: 2 Comments
Posted in categories: Countries, Information Technology
Tags: ,

Montreal airport has the same Canadiana as Toronto airport. Airports sell humorous quirky takes on the local culture to inform the curious tourist—The Undutchables was all over Amsterdam airport. Toronto surtitled its Canadiana “Like Maple Syrup for the soul”. Montreal surtitled it “Comme sirop d’érable pour l’âme”. But it was the same English-language Canadiana in […]

Look for Etymologies on the Tiber

By: | Post date: August 11, 2009 | Comments: 3 Comments
Posted in categories: Culture

The Magnificent Nikos Sarantakos’ Blog (to take a break from the problematic of Canada and go back to matters Hellenic) has recently unearthed the origin of that fine Greek apophthegm, πᾶς μὴ Ἕλλην βάρβαρος, “anyone not Greek is a barbarian”. (Which was in fact the original definition of barbarian.) The sentence is absent from Greek […]

Franco-Canada Blogged

By: | Post date: August 10, 2009 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Countries

There will be a blog post ruminating on Acadieman, Brayons, and “weekend Acadians”. After I got taken to the woodshed at the pub Friday by a friend who’s spent a lot of time in Quebec, there will also be some flailing about on civic nationalism, and whether defence of a language is enough to rally […]

  • August 2009
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