
Day: October 31, 2016

How is Melbourne today different from in the past?

By: | Post date: October 31, 2016 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Australia

Melbourne in the 80s, when I was in high school: Very Suburban. High density living did not happen: the Great Australian Dream was a large suburban home with a garden, and only the indigent lived in apartment blocks. Seeing apartments spring up everywhere remains a shock to me. Renting happened, but was something to get […]

Can someone identify as just one of their ethnic backgrounds, though they have multiple ones?

By: | Post date: October 31, 2016 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Culture

Identity, and indeed ethnicity, are not about blood or DNA or ancestry. Yes, skin colour, as a “visible minority”, is different, particularly in the States; but that’s not the scenario your question puts forward. And even in that case, identity is not about blood. It’s about what your society makes of what you look like. […]