
Day: November 23, 2016

Who is your favorite 20th century composer and why?

By: | Post date: November 23, 2016 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Music

First, thanks to Victoria Weaver for her assembled works of Glass, which I will be working through. Now, if I were a horrible human being, I would answer this question with something like this: MAHLER!!! Because he’s technically 20th century!!! In your FACE, Victoria! WAKEY-WAKEY!!! Ahem. But I am not a horrible human being. And […]

What joy do homophobic people find when they’re being homophobic?

By: | Post date: November 23, 2016 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Culture

Not… feeling it with these answers. Not putting themselves enough in the homophobe’s shoes, I believe. I think Sophia de Tricht’s is the closest to the answer I’m about to offer, but her answer was pretty epigrammatic. Consider this: Habib Fanny’s answer to Why do social conservatives care if gay people can marry or trans […]

Can you post a picture of yourself with a nice, uplifting comment to bring out some positivity in yourself?

By: | Post date: November 23, 2016 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Personal

Um… positivity? … You’ve A2A’d the right guy, Diane? OK. I’m a misery guts, but I appreciate the challenge! It was my honeymoon, last year. For her sins, I dragged my honey to my home town in Greece. I wanted her to know where I grew up. I hadn’t been back in six years; and […]