
Day: March 24, 2017

The Decalogue of Nick #7: I play the mandolin badly and the violin worse

By: | Post date: March 24, 2017 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Culture

For Victoria Weaver. Music came early to me. Soaking up the multiple musical traditions of Greece while living there, from 8–12. (Or to be more precise, the musical traditions that Greek State TV allowed through. Crete was in by then, but no violins, only lyras, by an ahistorical metric of authenticity—I was living in violin […]

I thought I was over not becoming an academic…

By: | Post date: March 24, 2017 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Academia

… but this comment triggered me, I guess. I have written on this before as an answer. Yasin Karahan: Well, f**k…the thing is: Wouldn’t it suffice to excell at what one does? With all due modesty: I’m pretty f’ing good at what I do and my professor agrees. Might be a tough nut to crack, […]