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Category: Culture
If the King James Bible is the only valid version, where does that leave non English translations?
I’ve tried to reword the question to what OP Sam Rizzardi intended (“what do King James Only proponents think…”); but QCR knows what he intended out of the question better than OP does, clearly. *sigh* There are different flavours of King James Only, as explained at King James Only movement – Wikipedia. Not all versions […]
What does the oldest translation say: was the Son Of God a Carpenter or a Stonemason?
I’ll register some confusion at Robert Semple’s answer that it’s a day labourer; I’ve read Crossan too, and I don’t remember that. I’m not disputing it; Crossan is pretty dense. What’s stuck in my head is what the Jesus Seminar decided (and Crossan was a prime move behind it, but not the only one): they […]
What are your most controversial criteria when looking for a romantic partner?
Well, this one has worked out well for me. More or less. 🙂 Banter. The coupling of Beatrice and Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing is the coupling that’s brought me to tears. To me, that’s the marriage of true minds. Answered 2016-11-24 [Originally posted on]
What joy do homophobic people find when they’re being homophobic?
Not… feeling it with these answers. Not putting themselves enough in the homophobe’s shoes, I believe. I think Sophia de Tricht’s is the closest to the answer I’m about to offer, but her answer was pretty epigrammatic. Consider this: Habib Fanny’s answer to Why do social conservatives care if gay people can marry or trans […]
Can we speak about religion the same way we speak about politics?
Ah, Mlle Demoritto, this question causes me amusement, because it betrays your lack of Anglo-Saxon repression. The Anglo-Saxon proverbial expression is, there are three topics that one should never bring up for social discussion: Sex, Politics, and Religion. All three are regarded as too hot. This is obviously a culture-specific judgement, and different cultures and […]
Why do some people never understand that a library is a holy place where they are supposed to stay silent?
Because they think a library is not a place of silent study, but a place of either group study checking your Facebook feed socialising eating lunch (!) or being on the phone to their mates (!!) Incidentally, having just been subjected to the first three in my local public library, where I came for some […]
Has Ezra Pound’s poetry influenced any lyricists/songwriters in particular, or perhaps particular songs?
User, how do I repay you for your following me, and for your exquisite sensitivity with the English language? With a joke answer. TISM: a humorous band of the 80s–00s in Australia. Its membership overrepresented by English teacher types. They had a poem about Wilfred Owen, who at the time featured in the Year 12 […]
How are men with goatees perceived, and how do they think they are perceived?
The goatee, of which I am a proud if unkempt bearer, is a GenX thing. I adopted it in 1995, when they were everywhere, and I have stubbornly held on to it since—although by default it is nowadays surrounded by 9 pm stubble. 1995 2009 2016 “Disaffected Gen-X’er” and “goatee” go together in the Googles, […]
Are Turks appropriating European culture? Greek neighbour here. And hello to my neighbours! “Cultural appropriation.” I don’t think that word means what you think it means. I also happen to think that as a cultural critique, the notion of “cultural appropriation” is so vague, so clumsily wielded, so thoughtlessly conscripted in identity battles, that it deserves to be subverted […]
Is it normal for an educated, single, 50 year-old male to view every 18+ female he interacts with as a potential sex partner or mate?
Ah. How do I answer this without getting myself into massive trouble. The Annika Schauer is wise. But let me elaborate on the scenario a bit, and let me answer about whether it is appropriate, and whether it is desirable for Anon to date any. What are the rules for a heterosexual date-seeking male of […]