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Category: Culture
Be funny: What do white people like?
A2A by Habib. This question is going to be answered by two Nicks: the Greek, and the Australian: The Greek: Ya Habibi, Habibim! Τι γίναμε ρε θηρίο! (“What’s news, you monster!”) White? Who you calling white? What is with these questions I’m seeing in the Quora sidebar? Are Greeks white, are Albanians white, are Arabs […]
Should Greeks have white guilt about American colonial times?
This is an answer that a Ukrainian friend of mine came up with for Australia; it applies just fine to this scenario too. Actually, what the hell: I’ll link to her since she has a Wikipedia entry: Maria Tumarkin. No, Maria’s Ukrainian Jewish ancestors were not directly involved in the genociding, literal and cultural, of […]
Why do many heterosexual men want to have anal sex with their female spouses, girlfriends, or lovers? Is it because of increased access to porn? Is it a dominance thing, fetish, or a bucket list item?
An A2A on subject matter I have no personal experience of, from Mary Gignilliat. This is going to be another one of those “only because you A2A’d me and I like you” questions. If you keep them coming though, I’m going to have to start calling you Mezza. (Mezza is, believe it or not, the […]
Can someone identify as just one of their ethnic backgrounds, though they have multiple ones?
Identity, and indeed ethnicity, are not about blood or DNA or ancestry. Yes, skin colour, as a “visible minority”, is different, particularly in the States; but that’s not the scenario your question puts forward. And even in that case, identity is not about blood. It’s about what your society makes of what you look like. […]
Who is Heather Kent Dubrow?
Heather Dubrow – Wikipedia Heather Paige Dubrow (née Kent; born January 5, 1969) is an American actress and television personality. She portrayed Lydia DeLucca in the television series That’s Life in 2000, and has starred on the reality television series The Real Housewives of Orange County since its seventh season in 2012. Heather Dubrow is […]
I’m majoring/teaching a foreign language. How can I safeguard my own native identity and culture?
Of course, there is a clear colonialism subtext going on here. If you were studying, say, Russian or Korean in Morocco, would you feel the same? I’m assuming that you would not; you tell me. You would immerse yourself in Korean culture, you would go to Seoul often, you would have lots of Bibimbap. But […]
In US English why is Caucasian not considered a politically incorrect term, and consequently still regularly utilised in speech?
It’s interesting, isn’t it. We don’t hear Mongoloid or Negroid in the US. That isn’t because the US has suddenly turned away from Racial categories; they call them Asian and Black or African-American. And add to that Latino (very much an American classification), Native American, and Islander. But Whites have retained Caucasian in the States. […]
If Americans have Niagara, Koreans Jeju-do and other people come to Greek Islands for this reason,what is the place for honeymoon in your own country?
Australia: Depends on your budget. In order: Bali Far North Queensland (Port Douglas) Hawaii Europe. Yes, to Australians, Europe might as well be just one country. 6 countries, 6 weeks. Or, as we said to each other at the conclusion of it: “we’re too old for this shit.” Answered 2016-10-12 [Originally posted on]
If the Louvre was on fire and you had to choose between saving an unconscious person or the Mona Lisa, what would you do? You are a scholar and curator at the museum and nobody will know who or what you saved. You are not in harm’s way.
Thx4A2A, Linda. I’ll go with the painting too. Even if I’m not a visual arts kind of guy. I won’t do a long justification of that; others have, pro and con, mostly jocular. Some have been less jocular. But you know what? Doodles do matter. And even though Tom Groves meant it jocularly, well, when […]
Which author have you lost respect for, whose works you once enjoyed reading?
I’m all about the style in literature. When I was an early teen, I read all the Isaac Asimov I could. Sci-fi and Science. And there was a lot. By my late teens, I discovered stylistics. And I realised that Asimov could not write. Oh, he could come up with great ideas; on occasion, even […]