Tag: Music

Authenticities and Cretan Musics

By: | Post date: September 17, 2009 | Comments: 10 Comments
Posted in categories: Greece, Music
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I’m not posting about Quebec or Acadia for a while, for absence of stimulus, and seasonal illness: I’ve stayed home sick three days so far this month, and those days have not been spent blogging (nor reading those books on Acadian I’d borrowed.) I’ll still post on identity construction, closer to home; and the emphasis […]

Mr Bach has an off day

By: | Post date: April 26, 2009 | Comments: 1 Comment
Posted in categories: Music

The good thing with having a complete collection of an artist’s works is, you get to hear their crap works as well as their masterpieces. In fact the crap works throw their masterpieces into relief. Masterpieces do sprezzatura to excess: they sound effortless and inevitable. It’s only when you see how art can go awry […]

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