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Tag: USA
Jottings of New York
I’m leaving New York. I haven’t been leisurely blogging for the twenty-four hours I’ve been here; I’ve been too busy talking with my regular commenter John Cowan (6 hrs, finishing 2:30 AM—good to know I can still do that kind of thing, though jet lag helps), and my friend Genevieve (1 hr, and we had […]
The green highways of Northern Virginia

I’m in a hotel in Northern Virginia this time, and am negotiating its large highways on foot; ten years ago, I was visiting a residence, and not really going anywhere much. So I had not been subjected to its large highways any way other than how God intended them to be encountered—out the car window. […]
US, so far
You’ll have noticed even more extended radio silence than is usual for me on a trip overseas. I’ve spent three days in Irvine CA, and am now heading to DC, on a plane four hours delayed. Which brings thoughts of decaying infrastructure. An unsustainably greened Orange County, with the same gargantuan buildings and brobdignanian freeways […]
Will be Stateside next week
Things have continued to be odd around here, to the extent that I haven’t given my tuthree readers adequate notice of this: on Friday, I’m going to the US for a week. I’m spending the weekend in Irvine; then I’m travelling to DC for the ADL Learning Content Registries and Repositories Summit (see my position […]
I’m back…
… from the States, and so is my dead sexy new laptop. MacBook Pro 15″, 2.66 MHz, aluminium resplendence. Because my new laptop was in carry-on luggage (and a slightly awkward size), my old laptop along with my eeePC were in checked-in luggage. By the time I got to Australia, they were not. Someone has […]
New Orleans #5: Mulate’s
In my last evening spent in New Orleans, I have a choice. I can seek out Cajun music and culture, which brought me here to begin with. Within walking distance of my hotel, that rather constrains me. Cajun Cabin no longer has live music. Michaul’s, post-Katrina, is only open Thursdays through Sundays. The only option […]
A curious thing; to yieldone’s purse, and then one’s nerveendings, both now still chillednext day; adrift, unsafe, tentative. Curious, no?that I can still get tipsyon brine and Veuve Clicquot,though little passed my lips. A sea, of salt and swells,of stark and fearsome shores,whose waves have deigned to stall,whose deeps I will not hear. A sea, […]
New Orleans #4: Dinner at Antoine’s
Antoine’s is a culinary institution of New Orleans, founded in 1840, introducing the Creoles to the ways of haute cuisine. Diana urged me to go there and have Oysters Rockefeller for her, since she wasn’t able to appreciate Oysters Rockefeller the last time she was there. What seven-year old would appreciate oysters, after all. What […]
New Orleans #3
It’s a couple of hours later. I continue not to know how to have fun, and given how I’ve already exceeded my nightly budget, I think I’ll turn in early and get the full day tomorrow. [EDIT: Because of having to deal with the ending of this post, I did not end up turning in […]
New Orleans #2
*hic* OK, I’ve ducked into a coffeehouse in Royal St, open for another hour after my first iteration of Bourbon St. I am full of red beans & rice, jambalaya, and gumbo, not necessarily in that order. (Come to think of it… it was in that order.) Sampler size, so I was still able to […]