
Month: September 2009

Summer Glau’s Uncanny Valley

By: | Post date: September 25, 2009 | Comments: 2 Comments
Posted in categories: Culture, Information Technology
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No, I’m not referring to a TV actress’ cleavage. In truth, I don’t even know whether Summer Glau has a cleavage. No, I’m talking about the robot she portrayed on Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. (A post on a TV show?! Well, this is the personal blog, not the linguistics one.) I don’t much watch […]

October in North America

By: | Post date: September 24, 2009 | Comments: 8 Comments
Posted in categories: Countries

I’ve booked my accommodation, so I might as well un-embargo the news. Work takes me in three weeks’ time to San Francisco (actually, the erstwhile theme park outside San Francisco that is Oracle HQ, for the IMS Quarterly Meeting), and then to Irvine CA and the TLG. In between, I will visit a place on […]


By: | Post date: September 18, 2009 | Comments: 3 Comments
Posted in categories: Countries

Three weeks ago (I’m that far behind in my blogging), I went away for the weekend, to spend my birthday in Bendigo. As I alerted readers here. Two days spent offline; yes, I did get the shakes, and I did propose to pop over to MacDonald’s to check my email, and it’s a good thing […]

Authenticities and Cretan Musics

By: | Post date: September 17, 2009 | Comments: 10 Comments
Posted in categories: Greece, Music
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I’m not posting about Quebec or Acadia for a while, for absence of stimulus, and seasonal illness: I’ve stayed home sick three days so far this month, and those days have not been spent blogging (nor reading those books on Acadian I’d borrowed.) I’ll still post on identity construction, closer to home; and the emphasis […]

Weekend Acadians

By: | Post date: September 2, 2009 | Comments: 3 Comments
Posted in categories: Countries

I’ve left this post so long (a month!), it’s funny; funnier still that I’ve already said much of what I was going to say in it, in the preamble that ended up as a separate posting. Still, I’m reaching the end of my current backlog of Canadiana—and I’m not finding Angry French Guy’s latest inspiring […]

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