
Month: December 2009

NZ #2: Wellington (not written in Wellington)

By: | Post date: December 28, 2009 | Comments: 1 Comment
Posted in categories: Countries

So, I’ve been in Wellington for, oh, 17 hours, 11 of them in a small hotel room. I’ll be back for more tomorrow, but the report so far: Wellington as seen driving in from the airport is implausibly scenic for a capital city. Suburban houses perched among hills and forests, moving in and out of […]

NZ #1: Wellington (with no mention of Wellington)

By: | Post date: December 28, 2009 | Comments: 10 Comments
Posted in categories: Countries, Information Technology
Tags: ,

I salute you, those of my readers who have not already wiped me from their RSS feeds. A couple of months of radio silence have passed: once again Your Correspondent has fallen off the blogging bandwagon, as has happened before and may well happen again. With the benefit of paranoid introspection, I can even venture […]

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