Category: Quora

On Facebook Groups about Quora that I cannot stay in

By: | Post date: September 27, 2017 | Comments: 5 Comments
Posted in categories: Quora

My detoxification from Quora is progressing well. I am managing to stay away from checking on comments there are maybe a week at a time. I no longer daydream about slapping Jonathan Brill in the face. I am actually reading websites other than Quora, although I am dismayed to discover how stupid they have become […]

Can you write a limerick about a Quoran?

By: | Post date: July 24, 2017 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Quora

Masiello. Pegah. Jimmy Liu.Sophie Dockx. Laura Hale. Ulrich, Guzman. Lisa Lai. Jian Sun. By and by,all are gone. And then, me. And then: You. Answered Jul 24, 2017 [Question since deleted. Originally posted on]

Guest Post: Alfredo Perozo, Ultima Ratio Regum

By: | Post date: July 22, 2017 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Quora

In https://galleryofawesomery.quora…, Alfredo Perozo has portrayed everyone’s favourite bot in a little more detail than I have done: the definition of ultima ratio regum the final argument of kings (a resort to arms): motto engraved on the cannon of Louis XIV. And on some executioners’ axes… Posted 2017-07-22 [Originally posted on]

The tribunal of the marshals

By: | Post date: July 22, 2017 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Quora

The tribunal of the marshals by Nick Nicholas on The Insurgency These two paragraphs indicate that reports against Top Writers are scrutinised by Quora Staff, in order to determine their validity, before any sanction is applied. Reports against other writers, by implication, are not subject to the same scrutiny, if any.… (The tribunal des […]

Could the Quora bots pass the Turing Test by being mistaken for stupid uneducated humans?

By: | Post date: July 22, 2017 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Information Technology, Quora

Some might query whether this question is insincere, and a pretext for complaining about Moderation by Bot. I am not of that number. Our interaction with Quora Moderation is a preview of our interaction with Artificial Intelligence in general, as it becomes more and more widespread. We’re getting more of it here on the Quoras, […]

What would be your choice for a Love song? See details.

By: | Post date: June 19, 2017 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Music, Quora Oh, shut up, QCR. Masiello and Gwin. Others applaud them. I panic for them. I want it to work out, they are both good souls who have earned respite, and find it in each other; I worry that they may not work out, because the world is a cruel place. Yes, nothing ventured nothing […]

Would you post a recording of yourself reciting Sophie Dockx’s Eulogia Hiphopia in Latin?

By: | Post date: June 9, 2017 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Language, Quora Vocaroo | Voice message Backing track: Answered 2017-06-09 [Originally posted on’s-Eulogia-Hiphopia-in-Latin/answer/Nick-Nicholas-5]

Can you record yourself saying the word “covfefe”?

By: | Post date: June 1, 2017 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Personal, Quora

Vocaroo | Voice message OK, OK, I yield to the inevitable. Word of the day is in fact, “covfefe” – ‘a summoning word of fearsome power, never to be used lightly.’ — Robert Macfarlane (@RobGMacfarlane) May 31, 2017 Answered 2017-06-01 [Originally posted on]

Nick’s 2000 followers

By: | Post date: May 29, 2017 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Quora

Not on TWs, but on 2K by Nick Nicholas on Opɯdʒɯlɯklɑr In Exile Anyway. I’m not writing about the quill here, I’ve said too much already. But just as Jordan has just hit 20K followers with no quill, I have just hit 2K followers, with no quill.… Uri Granta: How about a drawing of […]

Would you participate in Quora in Klingon if it existed?

By: | Post date: May 25, 2017 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Language, Quora

Translation to Federation Standard follows: yItamchoH jay’ ’ej HuchwIj yItlhap! nuqDaq jIqI’? mach tlhIngan Hol mu’ghom, ’ej tlhIngan Hol Quora tu’lu’chugh, pIj DIvI’ Hol mu’mey lo’lu’ net pIH. jIHvaD qay’be’. cha’ Seng vIpIHlaH: tlhIngan Hol Quora lo’laHwI’ law’ law’, wa’maH law’ puS; ’a wa’vatlh law’ law’. Quoravetlh leHmeH yapbe’. meqna’mo’ tlhIngan Hol Wikipedia bot Jimbo […]

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