
Day: October 28, 2009

New Orleans #5: Mulate’s

By: | Post date: October 28, 2009 | Comments: 2 Comments
Posted in categories: Countries

In my last evening spent in New Orleans, I have a choice. I can seek out Cajun music and culture, which brought me here to begin with. Within walking distance of my hotel, that rather constrains me. Cajun Cabin no longer has live music. Michaul’s, post-Katrina, is only open Thursdays through Sundays. The only option […]


By: | Post date: October 28, 2009 | Comments: 1 Comment
Posted in categories: Countries

A curious thing; to yieldone’s purse, and then one’s nerveendings, both now still chillednext day; adrift, unsafe, tentative. Curious, no?that I can still get tipsyon brine and Veuve Clicquot,though little passed my lips. A sea, of salt and swells,of stark and fearsome shores,whose waves have deigned to stall,whose deeps I will not hear. A sea, […]

New Orleans #4: Dinner at Antoine’s

By: | Post date: October 28, 2009 | Comments: 3 Comments
Posted in categories: Countries

Antoine’s is a culinary institution of New Orleans, founded in 1840, introducing the Creoles to the ways of haute cuisine. Diana urged me to go there and have Oysters Rockefeller for her, since she wasn’t able to appreciate Oysters Rockefeller the last time she was there. What seven-year old would appreciate oysters, after all. What […]

  • October 2009
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