
Day: June 6, 2016

What are Bach’s absolute best pieces?

By: | Post date: June 6, 2016 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Music

My votes, in no order: The Sonatas and Partitas for Violin, as a group. I refuse to separate out the Chaconne, they’re all sublime. The Cello Suite no. 5, with the Devil’s Fugue. The Passacaglia & Fugue. Brandenburg no. 5. Orchestral Suite no. 3. Minus the Air; the Goldberg Air is more Bachlike for me, […]

If JS Bach’s cantatas are 10/10 for argument’s sake, is it worth listening to other cantatas by Handel, and/or Telemann?

By: | Post date: June 6, 2016 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Music

A friend of mine was listening to Telemann’s solo violin music, to understand better what was so good about Bach’s solo violin music; I followed his lead. And you know, I like Telemann’s solo violin music. It’s not sublime, but I disagree with Jordan Henderson that every piece of music I ever listen to must […]

How would people from the 1600’s react to EDM (Dubstep, Chillstep, and etc.)?

By: | Post date: June 6, 2016 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Music

This question comes up a lot in different guises. Let me put up a related question. Let’s say some contemporary of Beethoven’s—in fact, a classmate of Beethoven’s—started writing music a century ahead of his time. With polyrhythms, and atonality, and all that nice Stravinsky stuff. What would Beethoven make of him? I give you: Anton […]

  • June 2016
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