
Day: September 23, 2016

Which country among USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand feel most attached to the UK (or England more specifically) as former colonies?

By: | Post date: September 23, 2016 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Australia

I’d guess New Zealand or Canada. The US has affection from a safe distance, but not attachment. Australia has had a majority narrative of Britishness until the 60s, but it had an undercurrent of resentment of Britain and Republicanism for the better part of the preceding century, fed in part by its large Irish population, […]

What is the Gospel of Thomas about and what caused it to be excluded from the Bible?

By: | Post date: September 23, 2016 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Culture

For all the possibility that it is an authentic independent source on the Historical Jesus (and I believe that it is), the Gospel of Thomas is clearly gnostic, and gnosticism was not the theology that the Christian biblical canon was going for. The surprise is in fact that John made it in the canon; there […]