What are some good ethnic restaurants and eateries in Melbourne?

By: | Post date: November 9, 2016 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Australia

It’s Melbourne, it’s fricking awash with ethnic fooderies. Can I just nominate two?


Oakleigh, which is now Greektown, is full of Greek fooderies. All of them bad, and primarily about people hanging out pretending they’re in an Athens patisserie. The best place in Oakleigh is the one hidden away.

  • Mezedakia. Opposite the train station, hidden away upstairs. Wonderful home cooking. Garrulous owner, waitstaff fresh off the boat (they all are now in Greektown), oldtime rebetiko on the iPod. Honest to God, when my therapist needed me to nominate a “happy place”, that’s where I defaulted to.


  • Reza Afghan Kebab. Haven’t been there in a little while, but my God it’s good. Hole in the wall place in Sydney Rd Brunswick (which is historically Turkishtown), run by an adorable family, with lots of Muslim school ads in the corner, and tender, tasty dishes, well frequented at odd hours of the morning. Have the shir chay, and thank me later.

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