
Day: May 25, 2017

Would you participate in Quora in Klingon if it existed?

By: | Post date: May 25, 2017 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Language, Quora

Translation to Federation Standard follows: yItamchoH jay’ ’ej HuchwIj yItlhap! nuqDaq jIqI’? mach tlhIngan Hol mu’ghom, ’ej tlhIngan Hol Quora tu’lu’chugh, pIj DIvI’ Hol mu’mey lo’lu’ net pIH. jIHvaD qay’be’. cha’ Seng vIpIHlaH: tlhIngan Hol Quora lo’laHwI’ law’ law’, wa’maH law’ puS; ’a wa’vatlh law’ law’. Quoravetlh leHmeH yapbe’. meqna’mo’ tlhIngan Hol Wikipedia bot Jimbo […]

How is telecommuting working for you?

By: | Post date: May 25, 2017 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Information Technology, Personal

Question answered: How is telecommuting working for you? The plural of anecdote is Quora answers. Herewith mine. I worked for 3 years physically in a job that many of you will have already worked out by now, and 14 more telecommuting. The only way I could bear to keep working on that job was by […]

Are there lesbians because girls are so hot?

By: | Post date: May 25, 2017 | Comments: 1 Comment
Posted in categories: Culture

Actual lesbians have answered this question, and now, despite my better judgement, so will I. Using the insightful comment of one of their number as a springboard: Molly Juul:… The “aesthetically finding women more beautiful”-phenomenon is 100% social. Women are sexualized sooo much in the media, and men are constantly being told that “women […]