What are the pros and cons of living in Australia specifically in Melbourne?

By: | Post date: June 1, 2017 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Australia

Vote #1 Kim Huynh’s answer to What are the pros and cons of living in Australia specifically in Melbourne? This will be rather more superficial.

Pro Melbourne:

  • Lots of parkland.
  • Good public transport system (so long as you’re commuting to and from the CBD)
  • Critical mass of culture in general
  • Excellent foodie culture
  • Excellent sporting culture
  • Low crime rate
  • Peaceable population, for the most part
  • Pleasant surrounding countryside
  • I live here. And really, what more do you need.

Contra Melbourne:

  • The weather. Way too volatile, and searing hot or raining (or both within hours).
  • Far away from anywhere (except Geelong, I guess). Even Sydney is an hour flight away.
  • Cost of living is high
  • Real estate is unaffordable
  • Infrastructure is starting not to keep pace with the population
  • Allied with both: emerging have and have-not geographical divide; it’s not as bad as Sydney yet, but it will be
  • Not as many high-powered jobs going as in Sydney
  • Like most coastal cities, a lot of it is going to be underwater in a few decades
Answered 2017-06-01 · Upvoted by

Angela Ngan, lives in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (1998-present)

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