
Day: August 13, 2017

What is the difference between drawing a limit to what can be said, and simply disallowing certain kinds of talk?

By: | Post date: August 13, 2017 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Culture

I’m in more sympathy with Yonatan Gershon’s answer and its free speech absolutism than with Ted Wrigley’s answer which relies on intent. Intent is a very hard thing to diagnose, and I’m not sure I trust a judiciary allied to power to judge it fairly; and of course, any dissidence can be regarded as disruptive […]

Should I just stop trying to be more likable, and be myself if I have found a way to do it with out hurting or offending others?

By: | Post date: August 13, 2017 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Culture

Abigail, I go all Michaelis Maus whenever I see unanimity. I go all the more Michaelis Maus now that Michaelis has been banned. It’s hard for me to, because the OP (who has since deleted their account) put in the proviso: “without hurting or offending others”. But pay attention to that: they had to. Being […]

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