On writing via Facebook

By: | Post date: June 10, 2023 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Culture, Greece

My travelogue posts have a spasmodic character, and they reflect the spasmodic way they have been authored. The travelogue pattern I have established in this sojourn to Greece has been:

  • Walk 100 m
  • Take 5 photos
  • Spend an hour in a cafe writing commentary about those photos,
    • often with tangential excursions into other aspects of Greek history and culture,
    • as an awkward mix of speech to text and Swype to text (for when the vocabulary or the proper names get too much for Google)
  • Walk off in the wrong direction
  • After 10 minutes come to realise I am walking off in the wrong direction
  • Get back to where I was before
  • Repeat
  • Glance cursorily at the stream of Likes the posts get, especially once people are awake in Australia
  • At the end of the day, review, and fix the most outrageous speech recognition errors
  • A week later, copy paste all my Facebook posts into a sequence of blog posts, and add even more links

Like I said before, with reference to Hull, I treat tourism as an excuse for writing prompts. In fact, I make a point of looking for things that would be quirky to write about…

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