Skirting around Anafiotika

By: | Post date: July 2, 2023 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Culture, Greece

I was heading up into Anafiotika, the Greek island village perched up against the Acropolis. (Literally a Greek island village—it was settled by builders who moved here from the island of Anafi, in the early building spurt of Athens.)
However I got distracted by the topical presence of St Nicholas of Rangavas (the altar girl controversy), so I headed back towards Plaka; as far as I can tell, St Nicholas is on the border between the two.
There were more charming Byzantine terracotta churches on the way. Except, as is also the case in Salonica, later buildings look the same as Byzantine buildings, sharing brick with them. This church of the Saints Anargyri, Grange of the Holy Sepulchre, dates from 1651, making it Ottoman, not Byzantine.

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