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Category: Australia
Have people of Mediterranean descent living in the Anglosphere reappropriated the word “dago” as self-identification?
Wogs is the Australian equivalent; and yes, emphatically so, although it’s starting to be dated now, as Greeks and Italians go into third generation. There was overt reclamation in the 90s, though the residue left is more a matter of the more-assimilated using it against the less-assimilated. See Wikipedia on Wog. JM Cortese speaks for […]
Should I speak with an Australian accent when I go to Melbourne for uni?
Adrian Beale has the right answer. We’re quite used to people with different accents. The divide is more about international students not having the confidence to associate with the locals, which becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Reach out to locals, and they will befriend you; no need for the accent. We do judge, but we judge […]
What is the scariest thing about living in Australia?
That we are still, 52 years after the book was published, The Lucky Country. Which is meant to be a bad thing: prospering through luck, rather than competent planning. The original indictment the author intended was that the luck was inertia in following British habits—Australia Forrest Gump’d it into prosperity. The popular understanding is that […]
What should I look out for when migrating to Australia, specifically Melbourne?
So. You here yet? [EDIT: two weeks time, I see. Do please let us know how you find things!] Things to look out for: a touch of Dutch cafe , in Berwick. Outskirts of Melbourne, but they have a bunch of Dutch food and books, should you feel homesick. I may have accidentally translated Het […]
What things do people from Australia miss most when they go abroad?
I lived in Orange County, CA, 1999–2002. Tell you what I missed. Yes, this will overlap with Vadim Berman. Food. Vadim begged not to get started, I will. Yes, it’s my fault for not cooking; I did myself permanent damage through three years of US takeout. In particular: Lamb Subtle pasta sauces Human-sized portions Coke […]
I have an impression that some Aussies are overly ‘patriotic’ or over-loving their country. Is this true?
Other respondents have argued that Australians are not overly patriotic compared to Americans. They are dismissing patriotism as the preserve of bogans. However 20 years ago, bogans did not express patriotism any more overtly than the elite; and wrapping yourself in the flag, particularly during a race riot like the 2005 Cronulla riots, would have […]
Is Hawaii a common honeymoon destination for newly married Australian couples?
My wife has been consistently advocating for Hawaii to anyone she knows, and we did in fact get engaged there. But we’re not typical of Australians: we’ve both lived in the States, and we’re not drawn to Indonesia. (Which is why she needs to do advocacy.) That said, Hawaii was full of Australians when we […]
What are some interesting facts about Western Australia most don’t know?
Western Australian (or as Victorians unaffectionately call them, Sandgropers) don’t really act like they want to be in the same country as the more unwesterly states. I remember Dick Smith jams falling afoul of the Buy West Australian campaign, because their jams were bottled in Victoria. And in 1933, they almost got their wish: Western […]
Hyphenated Greeks in Movies and Television
An Anon commenter responds to my latest Will Be Offline notice with: Don’t worry too much, heartless Anglo. :'( By the way, since you’re an avowed Aussie multiculturalist (and because I *actually know*, rather than “eh know”, nothing about Australia), could we have your opinion on the first piece here: NEW AUSTRALIANS Anon, you fail […]
Those Who Have Bowed Down
This started out as a meditation on Acajack’s take on assimilated Acadians. I will still do that meditation, because it’s a rich vein to tap, but it’s not where this post has ended up, because I’d also been discussing with a friend about community politics among Australian Aborigines, and there was some cross-fertilisation of concepts. […]