Tag: Australia

OK, *now* I’m back

By: | Post date: November 16, 2009 | Comments: 1 Comment
Posted in categories: Admin
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Finally back from my Sydney trip—was at the eResearch Australasia conference for a week, and stuck around the most beautiful city in the world for the weekend. That kind of beauty, one should only consume in moderation, lest one start to take it for granted. And end up a Sydneysider. So I’m finally going to […]

Hyphenated Greeks in Movies and Television

By: | Post date: August 31, 2009 | Comments: 1 Comment
Posted in categories: Australia, Greece
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An Anon commenter responds to my latest Will Be Offline notice with: Don’t worry too much, heartless Anglo. :'( By the way, since you’re an avowed Aussie multiculturalist (and because I *actually know*, rather than “eh know”, nothing about Australia), could we have your opinion on the first piece here: NEW AUSTRALIANS Anon, you fail […]

Those Who Have Bowed Down

By: | Post date: August 26, 2009 | Comments: 4 Comments
Posted in categories: Australia, Greece
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This started out as a meditation on Acajack’s take on assimilated Acadians. I will still do that meditation, because it’s a rich vein to tap, but it’s not where this post has ended up, because I’d also been discussing with a friend about community politics among Australian Aborigines, and there was some cross-fertilisation of concepts. […]

Australian Secessionisms

By: | Post date: August 6, 2009 | Comments: 4 Comments
Posted in categories: Personal
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Léo Langlois reasonably asks why on earth I’m obsessing about Quebec (and now Acadia). That’s still a future post, though I’ve dropped hints already in comments. John Cowan reasonably asks why I’m defending federalism, and have I not had dark thoughts of seceding from the Commonwealth of Australia, like New Yorkers had of joining the […]

Bid Time Return

By: | Post date: May 17, 2009 | Comments: 2 Comments
Posted in categories: Australia

The cleanout of my books complete, I’m slowly trying to rearrange them into place in my garage. There’s a couple of duplicates that have been mercilessly discarded—I didn’t need both the 3rd and the 5th edition of O’Reilly Javascript book, or two Perl in a Nutshell books. One might further argue that I don’t need […]

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