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Category: Greece
Ioannis Kondylakis: How the village turned Christian
I’ve had an odd week, and as revenge against the elements, I’ve done a slightly odd thing. It’s Greek National Day, and Greek bloggers turn their thoughts to debates on nationalism. The Magnificent Nikos Sarantakos’ Blog was no exception, and during the discussion that developed, I made a glancing mention of the Cretan Muslims, a […]
Authenticities and Cretan Musics
I’m not posting about Quebec or Acadia for a while, for absence of stimulus, and seasonal illness: I’ve stayed home sick three days so far this month, and those days have not been spent blogging (nor reading those books on Acadian I’d borrowed.) I’ll still post on identity construction, closer to home; and the emphasis […]
Hyphenated Greeks in Movies and Television
An Anon commenter responds to my latest Will Be Offline notice with: Don’t worry too much, heartless Anglo. :'( By the way, since you’re an avowed Aussie multiculturalist (and because I *actually know*, rather than “eh know”, nothing about Australia), could we have your opinion on the first piece here: NEW AUSTRALIANS Anon, you fail […]
Hyphenated and Less-Hyphenated Greeks
John Cowan has asked me to post about Greek-Canadians. This is a challenge, since I know just about nothing about Greek-Canadians. But ignorance is not preventing me from posting about Acadia either, so here goes. Canada was one of the list of destinations for Greeks to seek a better life in—back when Greece was not […]
Anon, commenting on my post mentioning the προσκυνημένοι, “those who have Bowed Down” (converts to Islam), responded: > Φωτιά και τζεκούρι, ε; Yup. And that made me think of Hamidiyah. For those not fortunate enough to be Greek, Anon is referring to what a fighter ordered during the Greek Revolutionary War (was it Kolokotronis?): “Fire […]
Those Who Have Bowed Down
This started out as a meditation on Acajack’s take on assimilated Acadians. I will still do that meditation, because it’s a rich vein to tap, but it’s not where this post has ended up, because I’d also been discussing with a friend about community politics among Australian Aborigines, and there was some cross-fertilisation of concepts. […]
Cavafy and his chickens
Found this today in the Greek blogosphere, and name-checking it for the English blogosphere: reminiscences from 1964 of an Egyptian colleague of Cavafy at his desk job in the Irrigation Dept, Alexandria, who was his underling and succeeded him when Cavafy retired. The original newspaper publication of the reminiscences has also been digitised by the […]
rur rur rur
Fishing for links to Greek linguistics blogs on my own Greek linguistics blog, I fell across this Catherine Tate sketch (for the second time) via Λογογράμματα: Hominid @ Λογογράμματα‘s comment was: Στους αγγλόφωνους, τουλάχιστον, οι υπόλοιπες γλώσσες δεν ακούγονται μόνο σαν βαρ, βαρ, βαρ… Ho esti methermēneuomenon: For Anglophones, at least, other languages don’t just […]
Animadversions on the Dutch and the Greek National Anthems
George asks me in comments whether the Greek suburb of Oakleigh put on any kind of a big deal for Greek Independence Day, on the 25th—or whether moving to a Greek suburb was all in vain. Well like I said, the point of moving to Oakleigh wasn’t that it was Greek, but that it was […]
Leaving Greece
Am leaving Greece (possibly in half an hour, possibly not) for Flanders. It’s been up and down; but yes, there have been good bits. More news when I have more time. Once again.