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Category: Uncategorized
On quantified affirmation
For a Greece Greek, the use of dialect in this graffiti is adorable. The thing is though, Cypriots don’t write graffiti in dialect to be adorable, they write it because that is their language. Ναι + ναι = ναι Ναι + όι = όι Ναι + εμμ = όι Yes + yes = yes Yes […]
Greeks mangling English
Poster sighed in Athens, for a book fair. If only Greek have been in contact with a Near Eastern language, from which it could have already borrowed the word bazaar. Oh wait… What’s that? The word παζάρι means “market” so it wouldn’t work here? Why? What exactly do you think “bazaar” means here to begin […]
Old Rhodes, 2023
I don’t think I can do any better than to replicate my account of walking into the Old Town from my Facebook feed. So I’ve been in the Old Town of Rhodes for a couple of hours now. … OMG HOW DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS PLACE BEFORE?! It is a medieval theme park, […]