Tag: England

Englandaganza, Stop 2: Coventry

By: | Post date: June 19, 2008 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Countries

Got to bed at 1 am (now that’s more like it), got up at 6:45 (now that isn’t). Decided to make my way in a leisurely fashion to Gloucester Rd Tube station, and have a regal Burger King breakfast. (There, I did it; I won’t have to do it again for another year now.) Burger […]

Englandaganza, Stop 1: London

By: | Post date: June 18, 2008 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Countries

Hwæt! Ic eam in Engelonde gecuman! Landed in Manchester Or Something Airport (Heathrow Terminal 5), 8-ish. Caught up on email (eek, this is going to be difficult — deluge of stuff, little time to digest or respond). Discovered the Bible Translation into LolCat project; something I identify much too much with for reasons of Klingon. […]

My itinerary

By: | Post date: June 14, 2008 | Comments: 5 Comments
Posted in categories: Countries, Greece
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In re: Link My European trip, it is verily Teh Insane. Google Map linked above: View Larger Map The Madness starts Brussels 2008-06-15, ends Brussels 2008-07-10, and hardly lets up in between. Especially with the distressing news that my home town of Sitia, Crete, population 10,000, has had city-wide wireless for the past couple of […]

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