… to the Alexandria you are losing.

By: | Post date: October 30, 2006 | Comments: 1 Comment
Posted in categories: Personal

In re: http://cavafis.compupress.gr/kave_20.htm

So at my last day at Melbourne Uni (16 years all up, but who’s counting), I adjourn for one last beer or two with a couple of colleagues at the Lincoln, have some very fancy bangers and mash, and hie me thence at 9:30 so I can make it to Readings before closing time, to redeem the gift voucher I managed to talk my “chers collégues, cari colleghi, liebe Kollegen, kjara kollege, xaverim yekarim, дорогий колеги, αγαπητοί συνάδελφοι” into donating. One collected set of Shostakovich symphonies and Bach’s collected Passions later, I wander back out onto Lygon St, to make the trek home. On the opposite side of Lygon St, by the entrance of the food court, there’s an old man playing Bach on the violin. Not just any Bach, either; he’s playing the partita, although he’s got a while yet to get to the Chaconne. I’ve heard him before in the CBD; he’s not the best of violinists, but with this, it really is the thought that counts.

Bach partitas at 10 pm as the restaurants close shop. That’s what I’m leaving behind…

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