
Day: March 29, 2009

I’m not a nerd, I just play one in real life

By: | Post date: March 29, 2009 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Personal

Via Vanessa’s blog, I ended up at Peter’s blog, and via Peter’s blog, I ended up at the Nerd Test site. Now, I may have a day job in IT, but it involves diagrams and bullet points rather than code, and I no longer read all that much, so surely my nerd credentials have been […]

[GEEK]: eeePC travails #4: Polytonic eeePC

By: | Post date: March 29, 2009 | Comments: 1 Comment
Posted in categories: Information Technology

Ooh boy. This took a while. There is a built in Greek keyboard on the eeePC Xandros distro. Just as well, given that Xandros is named after X Windows and the Greek island of Andros. (There’s a Bahaman island of Andros too: who knew…) The built in Greek keyboard was not difficult to install; and […]

[GEEK]: eeePC travails #3: Getting a Real Desktop

By: | Post date: March 29, 2009 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Information Technology

It became apparent that the out-of-the-box “easy” desktop that comes with the eeePC was concealing stuff from me. The text editor for starters. It was clear that if I was to do anything more than click and drool, I should get access to the full desktop. Not that there’s anything wrong with click and drool. […]

[GEEK]: eeePC travails #2: Going Online

By: | Post date: March 29, 2009 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Information Technology

Next up, going online with a netbook. At home, not a problem. The home wireless has gone perversely slow and erratic since I hooked up with it on the eeePC; I’m trusting the eeePC does not expel daemons onto the wireless router, but who can tell, it’s Linux. The University of Melbourne, bless its corporate […]

[GEEK]: eeePC travails #1: Macintoshification

By: | Post date: March 29, 2009 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Information Technology

Sitting on the floor outside the duty free shop, oh so long ago (two weeks ago, in fact), I paid my £4 wireless access to find out whether a Linux eeePC could network with a Mac. Instead, I found that a Linux eeePC could be transmogrified into a Mac, with what seemed like not much […]

[GEEK]: eeePC travails #0

By: | Post date: March 29, 2009 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Information Technology

Loyal readers, I take this opportunity to ignore you completely, and address myself to the Long Tail of Teh Google. I will resume normal frivolities shortly, and will flag these abnormal posts as [GEEK]. I have just come into possession of an eeePC, as regular readers will know­­—after a protracted period of temptation. I’m typing […]


By: | Post date: March 29, 2009 | Comments: 4 Comments
Posted in categories: Personal

I had a highly Croatian day yesterday (visit chez Nick of my friend Marija cum familiā; visit of Nick chez Andy and Reena cum familiā). At the end of the day, I had a dwarf lime tree, to complement the dwarf orange tree and compact lemon tree; and I had a bottle of Orahovac, to […]