
Day: March 22, 2016

Why was bronze chosen as a third place signifier?

By: | Post date: March 22, 2016 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Culture

The ranking Gold > Silver > Bronze > Iron (> Lead) dates from Hesiod: see Ages of Man. Bronze for toolmaking in common use is older than Iron; Hesiod was aware of that, which is why his Bronze Age is earlier than his Iron Age. Gold and Silver would have outranked Bronze and Iron, because […]

What is the best biography of Richard Nixon?

By: | Post date: March 22, 2016 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Countries

For time depth and sobriety, the first biography I read is still the best: Nixon by Stephen E. Ambrose. The in-depth coverage of his vice-presidency (from an historian who was an Eisenhower fan) explains a lot. Of the others, I wanted to like Fawn M. Brodie‘s Richard Nixon: The Shaping of His Character, but it […]

Using UML, can we model life itself with everything in it?

By: | Post date: March 22, 2016 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Information Technology

UML Class Diagrams can express hierarchical ontologies, and associations. Upper Ontologies are intended to model all entities that can be hierarchically related. So if you’re ambitious enough (see: Douglas Lenat), upper ontologies can model life itself with everything in it; and associations can model (at least at first approximation) all relations between with everything within […]

  • March 2016
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