If a president decided to go rogue and wants to nuke a country, what would happen?

By: | Post date: November 17, 2016 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Countries

Like everyone else said, that’s why you try to have a sane Secretary of Defence.

Anon mentioned Nixon during Nam: Anonymous’ answer to If a president decided to go rogue and wants to nuke a country, what would happen? Anon doesn’t mention Nixon during the death throes of his presidency, when Schlessinger his SecDef was convinced Nixon really was at risk of going rogue and saying “Fuck it, let’s go blow up a country.”

Schlessinger quietly got word out that any such orders from Nixon were to be ignored.

I think Haldeman was already in jail by then. That would normally have been his job. Thank God Schlessinger did Haldeman’s job.

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