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Day: December 15, 2016
Who is your favorite musical composer (1500-now)? And why?
I am on a lifelong mission to annoy Victoria Weaver by saying: MAHLER!!!! But if I’m to be completely honest, it’s Bach. Mahler, because of the cathartic emotional extremes, the amazing orchestrations, the largescale forms, the cogent narratives. Bach above Mahler, because of the sublime joining of intellect and passion, and (I hate to admit) […]
What do you think when you hear the words, “United States”?
Ambivalence Hegemon New birth of freedom Individualism gone berserk Lofty ideals Opportunity Smugness Some of my best friends are American With reference to Rita Jóñer’s answer to What do you think when you hear the words, “United States”? I get stumped by the US states too. In fact, here’s my excuse to expose myself […]