
Day: February 20, 2017

McKayla Kennedy: I think you drew the wrong Butterfly Man

By: | Post date: February 20, 2017 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Quora

In response to Nick Nicholas’ answer to Who is a Quoran that you look up to?… McKayla Kennedy: Definitely full of angels: Or butterfly men, I guess, some of us don’t have your drawing skillz. Nick Nicholas: I think we settled as far back as Arius, McKayla, that the Son of Man was more […]

Don Niccolò, mafioso con pistola ad acqua

By: | Post date: February 20, 2017 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Quora… La Gigi: Haha! You make such a cute American gangstah. Me: I did used to have a violin. Which means I did used to have a violin case… La Gigi: It’s a CELLO case! How are you gonna fit a tommy gun in a violin case? Nick: Ah. Wellp, that would explain a lot. […]

What are some examples of stately music?

By: | Post date: February 20, 2017 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Music

The Canzonas and Sonatas by Giovanni Gabrieli. No contest: it’s the music of the spheres. Answered 2017-02-20 [Originally posted on]

How important was your hometown in shaping who you are?

By: | Post date: February 20, 2017 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Personal

My home town until I was 8: not very. Possibly in ways I’m not conscious of, but obviously I can’t speak to those. My hometown from 8 to 12: probably not so much as my home country did. At that age, I suspect one schoolyard was interchangeable with any other, and one promenade with another. […]