Hadrian’s Gate

By: | Post date: July 2, 2023 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Culture, Greece

Hadrian’s gate, in front of the Temple of Olympian Zeus, a monument by a grateful city to the emperor that rebuilt her. Hence the inscription on either side of the gate, in elegant Greek capitals that I can just about convince myself I can read on the Temple-facing side:

Facing the old Athens of the Acropolis (and now, the cars of Syngrou Ave): “This is Theseus’ City”

Facing the new Athens and the Temple: “This is no longer Theseus’, but Hadrian’s City.”

Commemorated across the street from Hadrian’s Gate: Melina Mercouri (1920–1994), chain-smoking diva of Greek culture, film star (including Never On Sunday), and then culture minister.

For a contemporary statue, it is striking both in its likeness and its skill.

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