Museum of the University of Athens

By: | Post date: July 2, 2023 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Culture, Greece

When Athens suddenly found itself the capital of Greece, Greece scrambled to build institutional buildings worthy of a capital. That means a lot of temporary accommodation until the buildings were ready.
This originally Ottoman building had been remodelled into an architectural office in 1831. (And the two architects who set up shop there, Stamatis Kleanthis and Eduard Schaubert, kept very busy over the following decades.) In 1837, it housed the University of Athens for four years, until the university moved to what is now its ceremonial hall, next to the Academy of Athens and the Old National Library.
Lonely Planet says that the building is now a “missable historical museum”.
The Museum of the University of Athens, missable?
…. Plausible.

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