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Category: Poetry
The Age of Iron
Silence is golden. Gold peals where you walk, intuited and whole, in silent clamour. It slips beside its own: no need for talk, no weighing down with words. Mere joy and glamour. Not so with us. This river’s dammed with rock, and damned with talk, pleading aloud for grammar. The age of iron follows gold. […]
6 am
Give to her joy, you callused world, give peace, this lady who should never, ever cry. Let it have air to bloom, roots to release, this beauty which should never, ever die. This smile, which neither coin nor bonds can buy, let it be sheltered from the bondsman’s blame. This heart so generous, this […]
To my wife, on our five-year anniversary

My love, whose smile is wide enough to clasp the heavens in; whose sorrow can expend the deep-dug wells of earth; whose anger’s grasp no whisper can unravel; whose amend no benison of rainbows can surpass; whose passion strides where armies never went, and lays what claims it pleases; and whose glass flashes with all […]
While I was away
I: May As if I was the first To sail beyond the west, Fall off the end of Earth, Sink, swim, and gasp for breath. As if no man knew thirst, Before I stopped to rest Beside the spring; or birth, Before I heard of death. Beyond the west: each day A year, each step […]