Category: Quora

If Santa had Quora, what questions would he ask?

By: | Post date: January 5, 2017 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Quora

Didn’t I already answer this? Oh. I didn’t: Nick Nicholas’ answer to If Satan had Quora, what questions would he ask? Why is my name so close to Satan? Am I Satan? Does OP think I’m Satan? I mean, I’m dressed in red, and my reindeer have horns… Am I St Nicholas? Am I St […]

The Quora Hekkaidethatheon

By: | Post date: January 5, 2017 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Quora

Nick Nicholas’ answer to If famous writers on Quora were Greek gods, who would they be? Wherein I enumerated my favourite Quorans as Greek Gods. Alfredo Perozo pointed out in comments: I feel this would make a nice cartoon… just saying.… Finally done. I was going to do a fancy cartoon with layers and […]

If Satan had Quora, what questions would he ask?

By: | Post date: January 2, 2017 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Quora

Michael Masiello: what are your views on theodicy? (“Fuck you” is not an adequate answer) Am I also Shaytan? Am I also Kali? Am I also Angra Mainyu? Am I also the Demiurge? If God is Good is He also God? If God is God is He also Good? Should pronouns referring to Satan be […]

How hard would it be to write more poetry using only Quora questions?

By: | Post date: January 1, 2017 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Quora Mergers and edits can, it’s true, impairthe incidental rhymes of Quora questions.The metre of such verse would brook deflectionsas well—though your example doesn’t care. But I’d dispute the questions need be live.They can be captured at the time of writing,and any links can redirect. Invitingtheir permanence is hope that cannot thrive. You posit here […]

If Satan had Quora, what questions would he ask?

By: | Post date: December 30, 2016 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Quora

Michael Masiello: what are your views on theodicy? (“Fuck you” is not an adequate answer) Am I also Shaytan? Am I also Kali? Am I also Angra Mainyu? Am I also the Demiurge? If God is Good is He also God? If God is God is He also Good? Should pronouns referring to Satan be […]


By: | Post date: December 8, 2016 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Quora

Nick Nicholas’ answer to What are some human-made things you dislike or like that are present in South (and West) Cyprus? Now, to my eyes, this statue of Makarios at the Archbishopric of Cyprus is a reasonable and respectful depiction of the Father of the Nation. But my friend Vlado did not alight in the […]

Sam at Balena with a Clipboard

By: | Post date: November 20, 2016 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Quora

In their answer to A celebrity had his assistant call to schedule a date with me. Should I be offended?, Sam Murray details their rather agreeable experience of having their one-time Celebrity Fuck Buddy (CFB) arrange dates through an assistant. After all, the CFB was hardly to be trusted to arrange dates on his own. […]

A frank discussion chez Esmaili

By: | Post date: October 16, 2016 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Quora

Pegah Esmaili’s answer to Do ex-Muslims face discrimination at their homes? No not at all, only my grandmother has a few times looked at me as if “what the fu*k are you trying to be my beloved damn grandchild? weren’t you praying till…like 2-3 years ago?”… It looked a little bit like this, didn’t […]

I have two accounts on Quora. One is with my original identity and other fake. I feel more comfortable in the fake account. Why is it so?

By: | Post date: September 7, 2016 | Comments: 3 Comments
Posted in categories: Culture, Quora

People are very, very used to pseudonymity on the Internet. Pseudonymy is the norm on bulletin boards and blog comments, and it’s pretty common with blogs too. This is not just cowardice or trollery; this is actually a cultural norm. One I noticed in the blogs whose comment section I’d frequent—especially how people I developed […]

Symposium at Dimitra’s

By: | Post date: September 2, 2016 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Quora

The question Assuming age, distance, and current relationship status weren’t an issue, who are some Quora users you could see yourself dating? turned into quite the love-in. You may be helped to make sense of this by such postings as: Robert Todd’s answer to Assuming age, distance, and current relationship status weren’t an issue, who […]

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