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Tag: England
Terminal 5, Heathrow
Hwæt! Ic eam agin in Engelonde gecuman! Ond ic wille agin to Mancestre Or Summeþinge Aeroporte, þæt mannum Terminale V yclept is! Right, that’s enough fake Old English unaided by a grammar or any understanding of Old English. The bus to Terminal 5 still takes 18 minutes, the security video in the bus is still […]
Englandaganza, Stop 10: London
I didn’t do much more in my last two nights of London. Well, strike that: I got sloshed my last night in London. Where by “sloshed”, I mean “had a plastic cup of white, a pint of ale, and a bottle of perry, in the space of, oh, seven hours?” And caused much consternation at […]
Englandaganza, Stop 9: Brighton
Having given up the ghost in Oxford town, I wasn’t going to be that productive in the remaining time allotted. My Thursday meeting was with Rob, who had done the initial consulting with us on the PILIN project, and had given us some analysis that helped us tie things up at the end of the […]
Englandaganza, Stop 8: Oxford Again
Ech, I’m over this. There are no photos from this leg, even though Oxford will be hurt that I took so many photos of The Other Place. I did note, at least, that the tourist placards on Oxford are themselves in Oxford font: Not being prepared and guidebooked-up — and indeed, not feeling like being […]
Englandaganza, Stop 7: Cambridge
Arrived in Cambridge Monday night — and got a cab to my accommodation. My accommodation was a while away. So much away, that the road exhausted Cambridge, and took me to an industrial park next to Cambridge Airport. (Yes Cambridge has an airport. Who knew.) As I already had found, the UK takes the “park” […]
Englandaganza, Stop 6: Hull
As many do (including David Davis’ opponents), I come negatively disposed towards Hull, so I don’t know if I will be getting much of it. Let’s see: Didn’t get to catch Durham cathedral on the way out of Newcastle. Didn’t get to photo Durham either, as I’m too lazy to get the camera out mid-flight; […]
Englandaganza, Stop 5a: Still Newcastle
A disgrace and an embarrassment, and a sign of the times to boot: once safely ensconced in the hotel (2 pm) — I did sod all. No tourism, no work; just TV, catching up on Blogger plugins, and perusing Facebook. Blah. And this all with a Tuesday deadline hovering over my head. Deadlines tend to […]
Englandaganza, Stop 5: Newcastle
I set off from Oxford to Newcastle (via Brummingham) with much fear of being roasted alive by ale-swigging Geordies. My doom came at the hand of Midlanders, long before I set foot in Newcastle. After judicious use of shuteye on the first leg of my journey, I was preparing to settle back to three hours […]
Englandaganza, Stop 4: Oxford
View Larger Map Arrived 9:30 at Oxford, got free wireless at the station long enough to download just two junk mails, went to the wrong university building (A) an hour early, and broke the shoulder strap of my bag — all in twenty minutes. Fortunately my colleague Anthony went to the wrong building too, so […]
Englandaganza, Stop 3: Woking
Oh, Coventry station has a ladies’ lounge distinct from the passenger lounge. Not sure if this was progressive or quaint. Standing room only on the train in from Basingstoke; and none of the reservations made on the training from Coventry corresponded to conditions on the ground — might as well have not booked at all. […]