What would you do if you found US$500 in a parking lot?

By: | Post date: June 4, 2016 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Personal

Not a hypothetical for me, nor it seems for most respondents.

I found AUD 300 bundled with a rubber band under my car tire, twenty years ago. I did not know then, and my wife has kindly informed me since, that the location and presentation of the $300 is consistent with a drug deal.

No, that does not mean my wife has personal experience of drug deals.

I do believe I have some pictorial evidence of the event:

What I not-so-hypothetically did, that rainy dark Melbourne night:

  • Looked left
  • Looked right
  • Look left again
  • Pocketed the bundle
  • Drove off
  • Went a rather circuitous path through the back streets of Clayton, Victoria
  • Parked
  • Counted the money
  • Went home
  • Invested the money into my doctoral dissertation: I paid my polyglot acquaintance N.K. to translate some pages from a Macedonian dictionary for me.

If the money was ever traced, I figured, better N.K. get nabbed than me.

OK, so I’ll burn in hell. Sounds like I’ll have good company.

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