
Day: July 12, 2009

Montreal II: The Quiet Relinguification

By: | Post date: July 12, 2009 | Comments: 2 Comments
Posted in categories: Countries

It’s now close to 4 PM, and I’m in a brasserie next to Notre Dame, about to start my third walking tour of Montreal for the day, following the prescriptions of the Lonely Planet guide. I like this town. I’ve barely spoken to anyone; and le switch that the local francos make to English, when […]

Montreal I: Never again poutine

By: | Post date: July 12, 2009 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Countries

It’s almost 10 am of a Sunday morning, and I have asphalt to pound exploring Second City. (Unless Toronto is the Second City. I don’t know these things well.) So in brief: I tried staying up till 4 am in Melbourne, so I could sleep peacably on the plane to Montreal. The staying up bit […]

  • July 2009
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