
Day: July 29, 2009


By: | Post date: July 29, 2009 | Comments: 3 Comments
Posted in categories: Countries

Knowing nothing at all about Canada, I assumed there was a well defined Franco-Canada set up in opposition to Anglo-Canada; and I was surprised (as I’ve already blogged) that Quebec is not particularly losing sleep over the Francos outside Quebec. It turns out that, after a shortlived surge of westward colonisation, Quebec had decided by […]

The Civic Nationalism of Quebec

By: | Post date: July 29, 2009 | Comments: 2 Comments
Posted in categories: Countries

Now that Quebecois have noticed my blog, I’m going to have to post eventually about what I don’t think they should secede. That’s going to be a hard post to write, given that (a) it’s none of my maudite business; (b) the ideal that I defend in my head, like Ramsay Cook does, inherited from […]

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