
Day: October 18, 2016

Some consider Shostakovich very uneven in the quality of his output. What pieces are considered of poor quality, and why?

By: | Post date: October 18, 2016 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Music

Opprobrium is usually directed at the made-to-order Stalinist cantatas and film music. See for example Putting the Stalin in Shostakovich: pro-Soviet cantatas cause outrage. They are regarded as insincere, bombastic, and forced on him. People in the West know that they weren’t the kind of thing he took pride in, and prefer to ignore them. […]

How do rural people dress/look like in your country?

By: | Post date: October 18, 2016 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Australia

If you’d asked this question 100 years ago, Pegah, I could give you an interesting answer. Then again, if you’d asked this question 100 years ago, you would have been my sworn enemy, and there’d have been no Quora to ask me this through anyway. Australia: Australia is absurdly urbanised, and those of us in […]

Can musicians be replaced by computers which can read musical scores (with emotional connotations) and play back the tune with emotion?

By: | Post date: October 18, 2016 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Music

Hello Curtis Lindsay. I’ve been upvoting you for a little while. In fact, because of you, I’m about to force myself to listen to *shudder* Chopin. (Michael Masiello will be pleased.) It’s about time I disagreed with you about something. I think OP’s dystopian scenario is not impossible. The thing about machine learning is, it […]