St Fyodor Ushakov

By: | Post date: June 11, 2023 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Countries, Culture

Outside the church of St Dionysius, a bust of Fyodor Ushakov, Russian naval commander.
May be an image of monument
The Russian inscription indicates the statue was a Russian idea, but it isn’t absurd to see him here: Ushakov won the sea battle that wrested control the Ionian Islands away from Napoleonic France for seven years, of autonomy under joint Russian and Ottoman suzerainty.
The WTF is elsewhere.
… SAINT Fyodor Ushakov?!
On 7 August 2001 the Russian Orthodox Church glorified Ushakov as a Saint and declared him the patron of the Russian Navy. His relics are enshrined in Sanaksar Monastery, Temnikov, Russia.
In 2005, in the Cathedral of St. Theodore Ushakov in Saransk (Mordovia), Patriarch Alexius II declared Saint Feodor (Theodore) Ushakov the patron saint of Russian nuclear-armed strategic bombers.
Note: the Cathedral in Saransk, cornerstone laid 2002 as the new city cathedral— wasn’t even completed until 2006! Patriarch Alexius in 2005 was clearly in a hurry.
St Fyodor Ushakov, patron saint of Russian nuclear-armed strategic bombers.
I have no words…

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