
Day: October 19, 2009

Redwood City #1

By: | Post date: October 19, 2009 | Comments: 2 Comments
Posted in categories: Countries

So, what have I learned in my first day in Redwood City, CA? Oracle HQ is full of buildings that look like hard drives. Or artists’ impressions thereof. Oracle HQ is full of lakes. No wonder lions drowned here, when it used to be a safari theme park. Duck shit is green. I have visual […]

Book Review: Ismail Kadare, The H File

By: | Post date: October 19, 2009 | Comments: 17 Comments
Posted in categories: Culture

The good thing about being confined to a chair in the sky is, you can catch up with your reading, because internet connectivity has not yet made it to Cattle Class. So I finally have been able to catch up on reading a book I was given for my birthday 14 months ago. Having internet […]

Arrived in USA

By: | Post date: October 19, 2009 | Comments: 1 Comment
Posted in categories: Countries

I am in the US. I have celebrated my arrival as is my custom, by having a tub of Cherry Garcia ice cream. It was mehlicious. I hope that means I’m over ice cream. I forgot to pack my camera into my camera case. That severely sucks. Several-wise. I’m to dinner, and then I’ll upload […]

  • October 2009
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