
Day: October 22, 2009

Redwood City #3

By: | Post date: October 22, 2009 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Countries

Urrrgl. Mlurt. Fnorghr. Zhlumpfkh. And this isn’t even me posting immediately after downing a glass of Grand Marnier. Not much to report from the vista: it’s still brobdignanian and empty. What I do have to report is that I finally succumbed and had a burger, a week after I promised myself one. An elite Sofitel […]

Frenchville, PA: a distinct dialect of North American French

By: | Post date: October 22, 2009 | Comments: 2 Comments
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This is not about Quebec or Acadia, but this is where my North American French stuff goes, so: in reading a book on Prince Edward Island French, King, Ruth. 2000. The Lexical Basis of Grammatical Borrowing: A Prince Edward Island French Case Study . Amsterdam: John Benjamins. —I’ve come across a mention of Frenchville, PA, […]

  • October 2009
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