
Day: October 25, 2009

New Orleans #3

By: | Post date: October 25, 2009 | Comments: 2 Comments
Posted in categories: Countries

It’s a couple of hours later. I continue not to know how to have fun, and given how I’ve already exceeded my nightly budget, I think I’ll turn in early and get the full day tomorrow. [EDIT: Because of having to deal with the ending of this post, I did not end up turning in […]

New Orleans #2

By: | Post date: October 25, 2009 | Comments: No Comments
Posted in categories: Countries

*hic* OK, I’ve ducked into a coffeehouse in Royal St, open for another hour after my first iteration of Bourbon St. I am full of red beans & rice, jambalaya, and gumbo, not necessarily in that order. (Come to think of it…  it was in that order.) Sampler size, so I was still able to […]

New Orleans #1

By: | Post date: October 25, 2009 | Comments: 5 Comments
Posted in categories: Countries

My first impression of New Orleans: the airport signage is in English, Spanish, and French. A beautiful gesture; not sure whether its audience is the tuthree Quebecois who come over per year, or the Cajuns (pour raisons emblematiques). Second impression of New Orleans: I had the choice of a cab for $33, or the New […]

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