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Category: Quora
Are there any Esperanto users on Quora? If so, can you write in Esperanto what you did yesterday?
Hieraŭ? Nu, hieraŭ estis dimanĉo, do ripoztago. Kaj mi pli-malpli ripozis, laŭ mia kutimiĝinta maniero. Mi iris kun la edzino por matenmanĝo ĉe franca dolĉejo, kie ni kutimas dum la semajnofino. Mi tie legis du el la tri gazetoj de la urbo, kaj plendis kiel kutime pri la faŝismo de tiu kiun posedas Rupert Murdoch. […]
I Am Porthos
Nick Nicholas’ answer to What happened when your friends found out about you being a famous Quoran? Well, the prize for this goes to a friend of my wife’s, who took to saying “Oh My God, you’re, like, the Beyoncé of Quora”. I mean, obviously. Steve Theodore,… My response: … Wow. Who knew that […]
How would you parody your own writing style on Quora?
I believe that everything that ever needed to be said about this has already been said by my friend Quora Quorason. Vote #1: Quora Quorason’s answer to How would you parody your own writing style on Quora? This answer is meant to be supplemental to that. Only it isn’t, because I am enamoured of my […]
Can you write a sonnet about Quora? This my 2000th answer could exultin all the friends on Quora’s paths well met.(A well trod trope, that I will sing out yet.) This my 2000th answer could resultin lists of lore here learned, by god and cult:Kleio, Euterpe, Hermes, Baphomet. This my 2000th answer could besetills I’ve beheld, and insults I insult:dull aediles, […]
Can you write a limerick about Quora? I’ve already written Nick Nicholas’ answer to How can one use the word “Quora” in a limerick? But how could I pass up an A2A from Vicky? I would have felt much jubilation,had Quora sent notificationthat Userlimericked mentioning me;but @-mentions… lack mitigation. So, there once was a young synaesthetewho gained fandom with Quora’s elite.She’s […]
Don Niccolò, mafioso con pistola ad acqua… La Gigi: Haha! You make such a cute American gangstah. Me: I did used to have a violin. Which means I did used to have a violin case… La Gigi: It’s a CELLO case! How are you gonna fit a tommy gun in a violin case? Nick: Ah. Wellp, that would explain a lot. […]
McKayla Kennedy: I think you drew the wrong Butterfly Man
In response to Nick Nicholas’ answer to Who is a Quoran that you look up to?… McKayla Kennedy: Definitely full of angels: Or butterfly men, I guess, some of us don’t have your drawing skillz. Nick Nicholas: I think we settled as far back as Arius, McKayla, that the Son of Man was more […]
How can one use the word “Quora” in a limerick? In Sodom, we know from the Torah,the sinful did dwell, and Gomorrah.When guests came to visit,they’d leer: “How exquisite!What to do to them? Oh! Let’s ask Quora!” Answered 2017-01-29 [Originally posted on]
Can you recite a poem, sonnet or any literary device in the languages of your choice? Poem #1 My favourite Esperanto sonnet—which actually dissolves the very form of the sonnet; see: What is your favorite phrase or line from a poem not in English? Mi, dezirante ĉerkon(kapitulaci,ekshipokrito laca,ĉi ŝakan ŝercon), pluportis mian serĉonĝis la palacode ĉi korpo kuraca,en kies riĉon mi kitelumaspli pace miajn ostojnol feton lulas la utero; kaj […]
Cartoons from my first BNBR
In What happened next? by Nick Nicholas on The Insurgency and My first BNBR warning by Nick Nicholas on The Insurgency, I reported an exchange between myself and Carlos Matias La Borde, and invited Quorans to speculate on what happened next. The prize for the most accurate response, and the funniest response, was a cartoon. […]