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Tag: Greece
Cavafy and his chickens
Found this today in the Greek blogosphere, and name-checking it for the English blogosphere: reminiscences from 1964 of an Egyptian colleague of Cavafy at his desk job in the Irrigation Dept, Alexandria, who was his underling and succeeded him when Cavafy retired. The original newspaper publication of the reminiscences has also been digitised by the […]
rur rur rur
Fishing for links to Greek linguistics blogs on my own Greek linguistics blog, I fell across this Catherine Tate sketch (for the second time) via Λογογράμματα: Hominid @ Λογογράμματα‘s comment was: Στους αγγλόφωνους, τουλάχιστον, οι υπόλοιπες γλώσσες δεν ακούγονται μόνο σαν βαρ, βαρ, βαρ… Ho esti methermēneuomenon: For Anglophones, at least, other languages don’t just […]
Animadversions on the Dutch and the Greek National Anthems
George asks me in comments whether the Greek suburb of Oakleigh put on any kind of a big deal for Greek Independence Day, on the 25th—or whether moving to a Greek suburb was all in vain. Well like I said, the point of moving to Oakleigh wasn’t that it was Greek, but that it was […]
Leaving Greece
Am leaving Greece (possibly in half an hour, possibly not) for Flanders. It’s been up and down; but yes, there have been good bits. More news when I have more time. Once again.
This is not my town
You’ll have noticed I’ve been offline for a little while. I was cooped up in my ancestral village, and am now in Sitia town, where I stayed as a kid: 1981 through 1983. Needless to say—but it’s still a shock when you realise it (again): this is not my town. This is not my culture, […]
In transit to Sitia
Just letting my avid readers know that I’m in transit from Athens to Sitia. I have a spare minute to update the blog, because the transit involved Olympic Airways (yes, it’s coming), and I was put on the Olympic bus to the 08:35 flight (wait for it) only to be taken off it ten minutes […]
Salonica: Coffee with Galerius
I had a morning catch up with my friend George Baloglou, who comes back to Salonica twice a year these days. It was going to be an altogether more philological morning than the preceding night. The philology started with me going berserk with photos of the Kamara, “The Arch” — better known as the Arch […]
Salonica: cousins hit da town
Alighted at Salonica, oh, eight hours later than I was supposed to. The oblig debrief followed, including not just my Salonican cousins Chris and Nick K, but also my Athenian cousin Nick L, up from Athens to be shown A Slice Of Life On The North Side. Yes, I know that means there are three […]
Athens, the prequel
My time is limited to blog in Greece—too much partying with my cousins lined up; I’m benefitting from siesta time to do what catchup I can. My woes with Olympic are not done: my return to Athens tomorrow has already been delayed by ONE AND A HALF HOURS. Say it again folks: HELP BANKRUPT OLYMPIC […]
I endite a tale of wrath. I endite a tale of woe.I endite a tale with purpose. I purpose that you too will HELP BANKRUPT OLYMPIC AIRWAYS I come to fly at nine.I come with flights of wayfarers.I view the flights departing.I queue with Salonica–Stuttgart.(“Wir können alles außervon Athen, ausgezeichnet, ausfliegen.”) HELP BANKRUPT OLYMPIC AIRWAYS Salonica–Stuttgart standsa […]