Mez, I am one who strives not to be judgemental, including on myself. (I fail a lot on the latter.) I associate that with not ruling things out; you don’t know what might happen, and what you might find yourself driven to. For Man is a Giddy Creature, as Shakespeare said somewhere. But I’ve got […]
Nick Nicholas’ answer to If famous writers on Quora were Greek gods, who would they be? Wherein I enumerated my favourite Quorans as Greek Gods. Alfredo Perozo pointed out in comments: I feel this would make a nice cartoon… just saying.… Finally done. I was going to do a fancy cartoon with layers and […]
Didn’t I already answer this? Oh. I didn’t: Nick Nicholas’ answer to If Satan had Quora, what questions would he ask? Why is my name so close to Satan? Am I Satan? Does OP think I’m Satan? I mean, I’m dressed in red, and my reindeer have horns… Am I St Nicholas? Am I St […] I live in Australia, and I have not taken an especial interest in the states of India. So. Data point. States I’ve heard of. Assam. Because tea. (Also, in my case, because I know a linguist that worked on Assamese languages.) Goa. Because Portuguese colony. And something to do with hippies. Gujarat. Because, um, […]
Michael Masiello: what are your views on theodicy? (“Fuck you” is not an adequate answer) Am I also Shaytan? Am I also Kali? Am I also Angra Mainyu? Am I also the Demiurge? If God is Good is He also God? If God is God is He also Good? Should pronouns referring to Satan be […]
Some stereotypes are to listed here: Aaron O’Connell’s answer to What are some cultural differences between the states of Australia? Here’s mine: South Australians: more prim, more English. Boringest state capital city ever. New South Welshmen: enemies to the Victorians. Sydneysiders: Uncouth, arrogant. Victorians: enemies to the New South Welshmen. Melburnians: Stuck-up hipsters, arrogant. Tasmanians: […]
Oh, zut, Habib le toubib: European-Americans Oh, and Europeans as well, I guess White Aussies? Ok, I’ll give you them too The bizarre American notion that white people are uncool and bland Hegemony Racial purity American demographics at war with each other White privilege Oppression Bingo Oppression Plantations One drop rules Melanin Social constructs “Surely […]
Ah, Michael, Michael, Michael… I see this has become a random word association task, and that it has spawned Be honest: what do you think of when you hear “white people”? OK. Let’s see where this takes me. African-Americans. Not Africans. Not Jamaicans. Not Australian Aboriginals. If I see a Somali in town (our second-last […]
Habib, you’re on a roll here, aren’t you! Confucian virtues Industry Most people I hanged out with at high school. And undergrad. Spicy food East Asians, Not South Asians; I’m from Australia, not the UK East Asians, Not West Asians. Does anyone even say “West Asians”? East Asians, Not North Asians. People definitely don’t call […]
There is a mental barrier for me, as a longtime resident of Melbourne: Melbourne ends at Mt Eliza. The mental barrier is to do with continuous buildings: there is a break in construction just south of Frankston, and there is empty land between Mt Eliza and Mornington (even if it is roughly 5 km). The […]